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Our Collaboration Partners

The Foundation has to date entered into funding collaborations with the following organisations:


Autism Spectrum

Chris O’Brien Lifehouse

Jewish House

Legacy NSW

Westmead Children’s Hospital

Autism Spectrum - since 2018 we have funded a Work Education and Training program for students at Aspect Western Sydney School. This program assists to prepare students for the transition from education to the workforce. The program has been expanded across a range of Aspect's schools and, consistent with the Foundation's strategy, our pilot model has been endorsed by Aspect securing funding from another foundation for rolling out the program in their Hunter Valley region. 

Chris O’Brien Lifehouse - since 2018 the Foundation has funded the role of a Sarcoma Clinical Nurse specialist. This funding also supports the education and professional development of the nurse. The role of the specialist nurse is a vital position that significantly improves the quality of care that young patients receive - from diagnosis through to recovery and beyond. Again, consistent with our strategy, Chris O'Brien Lifehouse has advised that they have now secured philanthropic  funding for an additional 6 clinical nurse positions based on the Redan Foundation model.

Jewish House - since 2018 in collaboration with Jewish House we have funded a community project called JH Kids. This is a non-denominational community services program for parents and children who experience emotional, social and family dysfunction.

Legacy - since 2018 we have funded the Legacy Club Services Stabilisation and Support Packages. This program provides support and relief to Veterans’ families.

Children’s Cancer Centre at the Children’s Hospital at Westmead - since 2018 we have provided funding to support clinical trials programs to improve therapies that are focused on childhood cancer.

Separately, we have facilitated a significant donation to the Children’s Medical Research Institute.

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